Justin på White Sox Game
Justin hos "Walmart soundcheck"
Kommer ni ihåg tjejerna som tog Justin's keps? Här får ni en närmare close-up på tjejerna som tog Justin's keps!!
Justin vet inte vad "German" betyder
Haha, så söt ♥
Update: Justin har nu twittrat och varit lite sur ;) Han säger att han visst självklart vet vad "german" betyder, men att han trodde dom sa "jewman"! Det var nog lite svårt för honom att höra vad intervjuaren sa, p ga hans accent.
Vi är tillbaka!!
Hej igen Beliebers!
Okej, vi är tillbaka =) Efter söta protester från er läsare ger vi det en chans till! Vi får se hur ofta vi hinner uppdatera, men vi ska göra vårt bästa!
Vad blir en bättre re-start än att checka in Justins senaste musikvideo till Eenie Meenie?! ♥
Okej, vi är tillbaka =) Efter söta protester från er läsare ger vi det en chans till! Vi får se hur ofta vi hinner uppdatera, men vi ska göra vårt bästa!
Vad blir en bättre re-start än att checka in Justins senaste musikvideo till Eenie Meenie?! ♥
Mer videos från Radio Disney Total Access
"You all look like princesses"... awww <3
2 nya videos från Japan
Frågorna är på japanska, men man fattar dom när man hör Justins svar :)
Video från när han anländer till Japan! Snacka om att äga hela världen... ;)
Justin sjunger "U smile" på Radio Disney
Jag blir lika trollbunden varje gång Justin tar ton... Någon mer än jag som älskar den här låten?
Justins konsert i Japan
Här kommer en första video från Justins konsert i Japan! Ganska kass kvalité, men man känner känslan, eller hur?!
Behind the scenes of Eenie Meenie
Nu är det snart dags!! Can't wait!!
Vakna med The Voice
För några mornar sedan snackade dom om Justin på vakna med The Voice. Jag älskar att Justin bara blir större och större här i Sverige! Fast fett synd att dom typ inte visste vem han var ;)
Video från Radio Disney
Juno Awards performance
Igår var Justin på Juno Awards och här kommer en video från när han uppträde !
Justin uppträder
kommer snart mer bilder ....
Justin uppträder
kommer snart mer bilder ....
Justins konsert i norra tonawanda, NY
Sweet ;D
Justin på saturday night online radio intervju
Justin bieber på Kiss 98.5
Justin var nydligen på en radiostation (om jag fattat det rätt) där pratade han om hans musik, hans fans och hans kändishet.
för att lyssna på hela intervjun, klicka här: http://blogs.kiss985.com/morningshowblog/2010/04/15/jt-dirt/
"The moms of the kids are kind of like a little crazy, crazier, " he revealded. " They come by theirselfs without their daughters and they are like "My daughter really want a picture, can i get a picture for my daughter?"
- JB
för att lyssna på hela intervjun, klicka här: http://blogs.kiss985.com/morningshowblog/2010/04/15/jt-dirt/
"The moms of the kids are kind of like a little crazy, crazier, " he revealded. " They come by theirselfs without their daughters and they are like "My daughter really want a picture, can i get a picture for my daughter?"
- JB
Justin Bieber @ Long Beach Midde school
Dagens videoklipp
Här är dagens videoklipp! Super söt intervju med en lite yngre Justin!
Bliss - intervju
Han pratar b.la om hans nya album "my world 2.0" - Sevärd :)
Bliss Magazine
Här har ni intervjun som Justin gjorde för Bliss Magazine...
What do girls do that confuses you?
'One time, a fan in Seattle came up to me and for some reason she decided she was going to tackle me. She crept up behind me and gave me a hug, but then she ended up knocking me to the ground. I didn't get that at all. It wasn't nice!'
What is the last lie you told?
'I dunno, I tell a lot of lies! A couple of years ago I had an F grade on a test at school, but I turned it into a B with the teacher's pen! My mom had to sign that she's seen it before I took it back to school, so she had no idea how bad it actually was!'
Have you dumped someone over the phone?
'Yes, I broke up with a girl that way once. That's terrible, isn't it? We got into an argument during a phone call so I basically said, 'I don't wanna be with you and more,' and she cried. I saw her after that and it was a bit awkward, but we're not enemies now, so that's cool.'
How long had you been seeing her?
'Like, seven months. But I wouldn't recommend splitting up with anyone that way. It's very mean!' Have you ever fancied your mom's friends? 'Er, yeah, I probably have. I actually can't remember any one of them in particular, but she's definitely had a few hot friends in the past.
Haha, alltid <3
What do girls do that confuses you?
'One time, a fan in Seattle came up to me and for some reason she decided she was going to tackle me. She crept up behind me and gave me a hug, but then she ended up knocking me to the ground. I didn't get that at all. It wasn't nice!'
What is the last lie you told?
'I dunno, I tell a lot of lies! A couple of years ago I had an F grade on a test at school, but I turned it into a B with the teacher's pen! My mom had to sign that she's seen it before I took it back to school, so she had no idea how bad it actually was!'
Have you dumped someone over the phone?
'Yes, I broke up with a girl that way once. That's terrible, isn't it? We got into an argument during a phone call so I basically said, 'I don't wanna be with you and more,' and she cried. I saw her after that and it was a bit awkward, but we're not enemies now, so that's cool.'
How long had you been seeing her?
'Like, seven months. But I wouldn't recommend splitting up with anyone that way. It's very mean!' Have you ever fancied your mom's friends? 'Er, yeah, I probably have. I actually can't remember any one of them in particular, but she's definitely had a few hot friends in the past.
Haha, alltid <3